Residential Leases in Appleton, WI
If you are only looking for help leasing one of your vacant units we can help with that too. With Blue Frog managing your leasing process you get the benefits of our professional systems. We have been refining these systems for years to help ensure we give you the best chance of leasing to a great tenant.

Vacancy Marketing & Advertising
Every day a rental unit is vacant means money out of your pocket. We know how to create professional ads and advertise them in the correct places to help minimize rental vacancies. We have several advertising networks already in place and can help reduce your vacancies which means more money in your pocket. Our experienced staff are quick to respond to inquiries about your property from potential applicants.

The quickest way to rent a vacant unit is by being available to show the property when the applicants are available. We are one of the only Property Management companies that show properties throughout the week as well as the weekend. Why do we show units on weekends? Because that’s when most people are available to see them and that’s how we ensure you the shortest vacancy.

In Depth Tenant Screening
Letting the wrong tenant into your rental property can cost thousands of dollars in lost rent, legal fees, and damages. Blue Frog provides thorough screening on all applicants including: credit history, income verification, criminal history, rental history, etc. Our screening is also compliant with all applicable laws and regulations including the Fair Housing act.

Once a quality tenant is found Blue Frog has a comprehensive lease package that all tenants will be educated on and sign. We have been evaluating and improving our lease for years and our legal partners continuously evaluate our lease structure. Don’t get stuck with a boiler plate lease that lets you down when you need it most. Blue Frog has incorporated our years of real world experience into providing you with the security of a world class lease.
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